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Fanatic Bytes

Commission development, research and production of unique electronic devices tailored to meet individual requirements

We create devices for monitoring and signalization of production progresses, we control access to truck fleets, excavators and electronic carriages, we develop unique measuring systems for universities. Our probes monitor microclimates of historic sites as well as drainage systems of glaciers beyond the polar circle. We have a broad scope, yet we focus on the slightest details.

Would you like to learn more about Fanatic Bytes?
contact us

What is Fanatic Bytes

When searching for the most effective solution for our customers, we often encounter the limits of current electronic devices, insufficient battery life, inaccurate measuring, insufficient range of measured data, problematic access to the measured data and their transmission, complicated integration with other systems etc.

Some of our projects are so unique that they cannot possibly be realized with generally available components. Some are so unique that there is almost nowhere to start from.

These projects are the reason why we have created R&D Fanatic Bytes. We effectively and flexibly solve the design, development, construction, installation and integration of electronic devices tailored just for the needs of the given project.

Measuring, regulation, control

We are able to measure and monitor almost anything – from basic physical quantities such as the temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, speed of fluid flow to more complex problematics, such as measuring the distance, acceleration, the strength and direction of magnetic fields, heights of glacier cavern floodings, down to purely technical problematics, such as for example localization by GPS.

Based on the measured data, setup of parameters, long-term plans or one-time requests, we ensure regulation of production components, heating control, air-conditioning, gates, barriers and other electronic and mechanical devices.

For more complex measuring and work in terrain, we create a device with a keyboard and a display or if necessary with a control application for mobile phones.

Perfect access to your data

We can transfer your data by cable, using mobile data networks or low-voltage data networks NB-IOT, LTE-M. In remote and inaccessible areas satellite connection is used.

All measured data will be processed in our cloud space Dataloger. We guarantee their visualization, automatic evaluation, generation of thorough data report overviews, or if needed, regulation and transmission of key data to your supervision systems.

Complex projects can be connected to an information system with the use of the Teamplay platform which then allows full ease of access on a computer or a mobile phone.

Head start thanks to our
strategic partnerships

We are partners to Microsoft, Apple, Google and Amazon, Maxim Integrated, Texas Instruments, SIMCOM and IST-AG. Thanks to the partnerships we participate in the development of new modules, technologies and services, so in our projects we can help you benefit from the innovations far before the wide public.

We support science and research

The development of electronics is not just a commercial deal for us. We believe that supporting science and research is the key for a better world for us and our children. We bring innovative ideas and technologies into established fields to broaden the horizons of science and research. Projects for scientists, researchers and scientific institutions are being supported by our special financial conditions and we even directly donate some results of our work to science.

We collaborate with the Faculty of Czech Civil Engineering (ČVUT), the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Charles University, Institute of Soil Biology and Biochemistry in Biologic Centre of the Czech Academy of Science (AV ČR), Polar section of Czech geographical society and Czech glacio-speleological team Řehák Speleo.

Don’t be afraid to ask how we can help you.

Technological background

To produce cases/housing, mechanical parts, measuring elements or testing samples we have 3D printer technology FDM, SLA and SLS at hand. In our fully equipped workshop, we can realize machining on a lathe, milling machine, triaxial CNC and even laser cutting.

Assemblies of prototypes and smaller series are carried out manually or using automatic component placement system with optic control.

Our technological background provides substantial time and cost savings when creating both prototypes and end products. We never need to wait for freeing up production capacities of production lines, pay more for underlimit orders or lose time with logistics. Small changes can be done almost immediately.

When necessary, we cooperate on more complex and larger projects with verified partners, with whose help we can ensure precise machining of any materials, high volume PCB production and assembly or creation of tailored keyboards and displays.


Sunware s.r.o.

U Řepory 3142/16
155 00 Praha 5
Česká republika
IČ: 26741989
EORI: CZ26741989
Datová schránka: 5g65fd5
+420 224 231 294