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Program which serves as management tool for educational courses and directives for employees. It coordinates training of new employees and supports continual education. It even ensures mandatory training such as BOZP (Health and Safety Rules) and PO (Fire Protection) and it monitors dates for fulfilment of obligatory periodic courses.

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Continual training of employees

Academiq helps with inclusion of new employees and their thorough continuous training using educational plans. Those ensure a non-forced access of new courses after successfully completing previous areas, or in manually set terms. Thus even new employees will have access to current information and at the same time be overwhelmed by the complexity of initial training.

Educational plans can be continuously augmented and edited according to the feedback of employees, for example in cases when some courses were a bit too fast to handle.

Educational plans can also be used to train individuals for a new specialization or a position. Academiq is also able to automatically plan courses on branches with substandard results of quality assurance.

Easy management of courses

Academiq allows for simple management of study courses. In a simple to understand editor of lessons, you can use ready-made templates or simply create your own. Courses can be enriched with graphics or video.

Courses can also be ended with a final exam, which ensures that students will have mastered the topic.

For general topics, it is possible to use the offer of commercial training centers and integrate their courses into the system.

Standard operating procedures

With the help of courses, you are even able to present standard operating procedures. Finishing a course can serve as a certificate of knowledge of directives of the individual staff members while successful completion of the course can be mandated by a final test.

It is also possible to require their periodic repetition and ensure that employees have their knowledge regularly refreshed.

Ensuring law obligations

Academiq can also serve as a training platform for drivers, BOZP (Health and Safety at Work) and PO (Fire Protection).

System assigns the training automatically. This eliminates the need to organize training for entire groups or wait for available dates of external lecturers.

Academiq can also automatically require repetition of a training course after a certain period of time has passed. This way the training can be prolonged without unnecessary outages.

Chronos integration

After connecting to the Chronos attendance system, supervisors always have an overview of their subordinates’ training and course completion. When approving attendance and rewards, the system can highlight missed training deadlines or provide a list of employees who have not yet familiarized themselves with the new guidelines. Courses can be planned based on employee ratings, in the Chronos or anywhere else.


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